
Are You Ready To Realize Your Dream of a Career In The Sports Entertainment Industry?

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Hands On In-Ring Training

The WFPC Coaches will take you through a 3 Month Training Program that will make you Appreciate, Understand, Develop & Implement Respect, Locker Room Etiquette, In Ring Safety, Front Bumps, Back Bump, Side Bumps, Bum Bumps, Running the Ropes, Selling, Shooting, Working, Ring Phycology, Showmanship, Intensity, Charisma, Lockups, Arm Holds, Leg Holds, Chain Wrestling, Ring Entrance, Mic Work, Establishing the Baby (Good Guy), Establishing the Heel (Bad Guy), Baby Heat, Heel Heat, Rest Holds, Hot Comebacks, High Spots, Hope Spots, Baby Spots, Heel Spots, Turnaround Spots, False Finishes, Finishing Moves, Wrestling Terms, Wrestling Expressions, Your Gimmick (Character Development), Your Entrance Music, Your Work Name, Your Outfit, Your Promo Pictures, Your Promo Video, Your Promo Package & you will be able to Complete A Full Wrestling Match as a Baby & Heel by the end of the program!

Strength & Conditioning

Strength & Conditioning training at the WFPC involves a wide range of exercises developed to build a variety of skills with a focus on Mind, Mobility, Stability, Strength, Endurance, Power, Speed, Agility & Performance. Our Conditioning Training will increase your cardiovascular system’s performance. Our methods include Plyometrics, Speed & Agility, Mobility, Core Stability, Endurance & Weight Training depending on the individual needs!

Full Match Breakdown

The WFPC will help understand how and why you found the violence, or comedy, or strategy of a match to your liking, and how it did its job. If two wrestlers wowed you with incredible high spots, painfully realistic strikes, or incredible submission holds, then it was a great match for you. That’s all that matters. Remember that professional wrestling is an art form and that everyone has different tastes.

Some fans are drawn in by a well-developed storyline, like that of a Mickie James and Trish Status, obsessive fan angle; while others crave hardcore blood-n-guts and wild brawling (Balls Mahoney, Vic Grimes, and New Jack need to make a living).

Many fans are impressed by work-rate, psychology, mat wrestling skill, innovative moves, speed, agility, and stiff striking, regardless of the angle that brought the two combatants together.

For the majority of us, a strong angle that logically brings together two capable in-ring storytellers and climaxes with an emotional, dramatic, technically impressive battle is the absolute best set of circumstances to leave us feeling like we’ve witnessed something special.

A great example of this convergence of both build-up and payoff is the heralded Jericho/Steamboat classic feud.

Character Development

In Pro Wrestling, Character Development is the craft of giving a character a Personality, Depth & Motivations that propel them through a storyline. Character Development is how a character evolves throughout the course of a storyline. Believable characters are Unique & Three-Dimensional and not so different from real life, our goal is to showcase your character’s growth in the face of adversity, much like real people grow and adapt to their own real situations. We will help you establish your character’s motivations and goals, choose a voice, do a slow reveal, create conflict, give a character’s backstory, describe a character’s personality in familiar terms & paint a physical picture of your character.

Match Psychology

The Psychology of Wrestling which is Essentially a Wrestler’s In-Ring Acting Ability to make a Wrestling Match look like a Real Fight!

It is understanding that the fans Live Vicariously through You the worker and they cheer the Baby who consistently Out Wrestles the Heel who then has to resort to and continuously Cheat to Get Over on the Baby which then builds Sympathy in the Hearts of Fans who start to become Emotional Invested in the Wrestlers by Cheering, Supporting, Hoping & Praying for the Baby’s Victory & Triumph and Simultaneously start to Boo, Hate, Despise & Long for the Defeat & Destruction of the Heel!

And when the fans see & believe that there cheering is giving hope & strength to the baby who fires up at their beck and call! or there booing strikes hate & anger in the soul of the heel, causing him to become distracted and essentially taking him off his game, they subconsciously Suspend the notion that wrestling is a work and become a super fan for that wrestler till the end of time! and that is the product of a good worker such as Icons like Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold Steve Austin!

When you start to Understand this Concept of Good Versus Evil and apply it in Your Work! you will truly become a GREAT WORKER! who is able to give the fans Hope or take that hope Away From Them and remove the idea of wrestling being a work for a moment and Instantaneous like a Puppet Master that hangs the Hearts of Fans on the end of a String, or more accurately on the Edge of their Seats by bringing the fans to edge of ecstasy at the climax of a false finish or just as quickly destroy their hopes of victory in their Anticipation of Good Prevailing Over Evil! Learn This & Become A Great Worker!

Interviews & Cutting Promos

Maniacal laughing, rapid-fire rants and bizarre tangents can turn a ho-hum wrestling promo into an entertainment gem.  Crazy people fascinate us and pro wrestling has a long tradition of letting fans peek into the nuthouse.

At the WFPC, a promo is short for “Promotional Interview”, a dialogue or monologue used to advance a storyline. The act of delivering such an interview is known in our business and by fans as cutting a promo. A promo targeted to denigrate or insult another individual, stable, or a rival promotion is said to be cut on the target. A promo is designed to help the audience identify or dislike a wrestling persona.

Some wrestlers have made careers off of their ability to cut good promos. They are said to be “good on the mic.” A career can be made on your ability to cut good promos more so than your ringwork and is a valuable commodity for a pro wrestler because you can still get work despite an injury or diminishing ring skills. Many wrestlers become well known for promos due to their generally humorous nature and we will help you develop your mic work and make you feel comfortable at cutting promos in front of a live audience with the use of our sound system and instant play back in order to tweak you for TV.

Marketing & Promotions

Our promotional marketing is designed to educate you on how to spread knowledge about your brand to a wide audience with the aim of increasing your popularity to inspire fans to take action. Advertising you is done to build your image, whereas promotion is used to push your character. While advertising has a long-term effect, promotion has a short-term effect that is used to continue to increase your popularity to a wider audience from one event to the next.

Interviews & Cutting Promos: Maniacal laughing, rapid-fire rants and bizarre tangents can turn a ho-hum wrestling promo into an entertainment gem.  Crazy people fascinate us and pro wrestling has a long tradition of letting fans peek into the nuthouse.

At the WFPC, a promo is short for “Promotional Interview”, a dialogue or monologue used to advance a storyline. The act of delivering such an interview is known in our business and by fans as cutting a promo. A promo targeted to denigrate or insult another individual, stable, or a rival promotion is said to be cut on the target. A promo is designed to help the audience identify or dislike a wrestling persona.

Some wrestlers have made careers off of their ability to cut good promos. They are said to be “good on the mic.” A career can be made on your ability to cut good promos more so than your ringwork and is a valuable commodity for a pro wrestler because you can still get work despite an injury or diminishing ring skills. Many wrestlers become well known for promos due to their generally humorous nature and we will help you develop your mic work and make you feel comfortable at cutting promos in front of a live audience with the use of our sound system and instant play back in order to tweak you for TV.

Getting Booked & Working with Promoters

The WFPC works with several local promotions such as Dungeon Wrestling & RCW Real Canadian Wrestling just to mention a couple, that once you are able to effectively complete a full match as a Baby & Heel, you will start performing matches in front of a live audience. Once coaches feel you are ready to debut with a major wrestling federation, coaches will advise you on taking the next step to your Big Debut.


We would like to start out from the beginning by asking our students to pay special attention to a number of things throughout your training career and life that we have been looking at in order to help keep you as healthy as possible as you start your journey into the exciting world of Professional Wrestling.

Getting & Keeping your Body in the Best Condition Possible can help you reach your full potential as a wrestler. If you’re in shape and physically fit, you can better handle moves your opponent may try on you during a match. Here are some fundamental aspects of fitness and wellness that can help you stay fit during your wrestling career

Getting plenty of Good-Quality Rest is critical to your success on the mat. Take at least one day off a week during the season, and get 8 hours of sleep every night. Practices and training shouldn’t last more than 180 minutes. Next I would like to share with you a study that was conducted with thousands of participants over dozens of years in the united states on the effects of sleep depredation or lack of sleep. In short, this study concluded that missing one hour of sleep was Equivocate with taking one week off your life. The study concluded that missing one hour of sleep was like reducing your lifespan by one week. The study continued to explain that because our body works on a 24 hour cycle you could not sleep 7 hours today and 9 hours tomorrow to make up for that 1 hour of sleep you missed the night before, in other words the damage was already done. So please my dear students, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night & remember a healthy body is a healthy mind.

Closely check your skin every day for discoloration, swelling, areas of tenderness, and changes in texture. Scrub your body with antibacterial soap and wash your practice gear daily. Never share shirts, shorts, towels, or headgear with teammates. Impetigo, herpes, and ringworm are just a few of the skin diseases common to wrestlers that you can prevent by following these simple steps.

All wrestlers need to build their endurance if they want to be successful; in other words, you need to build your heart’s capacity for maintaining intense levels of exercise over time. To be ready for competition, you need to be able to run or ride an exercise bike continuously at moderate intensity for 40 minutes.

You and your coach need to develop training programs that increase the maximum amount of force your muscles can exert against resistance. Your muscles get stronger when you experience momentary muscular failure (the point at which you can’t accomplish any more repetitions of an exercise). The point of momentary muscular failure should occur on the 11th or 12th repetition of an exercise in the 2nd and 3rd set of a 3-set/12-repetition strength building plan. Some great fundamental strength training exercises include the bench press, shoulder press, triceps extensions, upright rows, pull-ups, leg extensions, leg curls, and arm curls

To become an agile wrestler with quick feet, you need to increase the ability of your muscles and joints to move through their full range of motion. You can develop your flexibility by doing light dynamic loosening exercises followed by stretching exercises before and after each practice. Dynamic loosening exercises include lunges, walking toe touches, high-knee jogging, lateral jogging, carioca jogging, and arm circles. As for stretching, focus on stretching the main muscle groups (hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, lower back, shoulders, gluteal muscles, and neck); hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.

You need to understand how carbohydrates, proteins, and fats affect your wrestling ability and training during exercise, after exercise, and before exercise. While the dietary needs of each athlete depend on a variety of factors, including age and gender, a good rule of thumb is to try to eat a diet consisting of 50 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 20 percent fats.

Approximately 75 percent of your body is water. Because of the weight classifications in wrestling, you need to make sure you get the right amount of fluids before, during, and after exercise. Drink 2 to 3 cups of water four hours prior to exercise, 2 cups two hours before exercise, 2 cups 30 minutes before exercise and 1/2 cup of water every 15 minutes during exercise. After exercise, drink 2 cups of water for each pound lost during exercise. First when you urinate always look for two things, first you should visually see that your urine is clear in color and not yellow, orange or brown which can be an indication of anything from dehydration to blood in your urine, and second while urinating smell your urine and make sure that your urine is not very pungent to the smell. So please always look and smell your urine and make sure if your urine is not clear in color to drink more and more water until it becomes clear in color. This will help cleanse and flush your system on a daily basis. 

A head injury is a brain injury. So make sure to have a medical professional check you out right away after you suffer any type of head injury. Your doctor must also clear you before you can take to the mat again


Urine: We would like to ask our students to pay special attention to a couple of things throughout your training career and life that we have been looking at in order to help keep you as healthy as possible as you start your journey into the exciting world of Professional Wrestling.

First when you urinate always look for two things, first you should visually see that your urine is clear in color and not yellow, orange or brown which can be an indication of anything from dehydration to blood in your urine, and second while urinating smell your urine and make sure that your urine is not very pungent to the smell. So please always look and smell your urine and make sure if your urine is not clear in color to drink more and more water until it becomes clear in color. This will help cleanse and flush your system on a daily basis.

Sleep: Next I would like to share with you a study that was conducted with thousands of participants over dozens of years in the United States on the effects of sleep depredation or lack of sleep. In short, this study concluded that missing one hour of sleep was equivocated with taking one week off your life. The study concluded that missing one hour of sleep was like reducing your lifespan by one week. The study continued to explain that because our body works on a 24 hour cycle you could not sleep 7 hours today and 9 hours tomorrow to make up for that 1 hour of sleep you missed the night before, in other words the damage was already done. So please my dear students, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night & remember a healthy body is a healthy mind.


Because of the one-on-one nature of wrestling and the relatively brief length of a match, the mental approach to competition and the commitment you need to succeed are unique. The following list provides some keys to winning the mental game as a wrestler:

  • Inspiration:

    External motivation and rewards can take you only so far; to be a great wrestler, you need to be truly inspired.

  • Positive Attitude:

    Successful wrestlers must be in the right positive mindset to win a match on any given day.

  • Strength in the Fundamentals:

    Great wrestlers understand the importance of the fundamental moves and work to improve them every day.

  • Style:

    You need to develop a style that fits your skills, strengths, personality and abilities. Each wrestler’s style is different, so you need to develop yours with confidence and then pay attention to the styles of your opponent’s so you can work with them.

  • Competition:

    Develop a desire for competition by competing all the time, even at practice. Maintain consistent intensity in everything you do both on and off the mat and stay focused on the task at hand.

  • Mental Toughness:

    Understand that concentration, confidence, self-control, and goal-setting are all mental drills that wrestlers have to master to gain a mental edge.

  • Learning to Fall / Bump:

    Learning to Fall / Bump can cause Headaches and Nausea. You will get bumps, bruises, and scrapes on a regular bases while training, so if you feel any of these symptoms please let your Trainers know.

  • Showing Respect:

    Showing Respect to the Trainers by being on time for training & Shows is a must, & makes a good impression. Remember these people are here to teach you the art of professional wrestling.

  • Lateness:

    Being late will result in an extra 25 Jumping Jacks & 25 Japanese Squats in week one and will increase over the course of the program.

  • No Shows:

    No Shows without a valid excuse will result in an extra 50 Jumping Jacks & 50 Japanese Squats in week one and will increase over the course of the program.

  • Please Note:

    Missing 3 Classes without a valid excuse will result in termination of training.


Canada Pro Wrestling School: WFPC, Calgary

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