

This is NOT the place you come to become a Pro Wrestler; this is the place you come to Understand the Difference between a Pro Wrestler & a Sports Entertainer! This is the place you come to Become who you truly Are and Define what you were truly Meant to Do! This is the place where Already Trained, and for all intensive purposes, Effective Workers, come to Develop a Character that is Able to Engage an Audience and Amplify that part of their Own Personality to Connect & Relate to that Audience.

This is NOT the place you come to Learn, Locks, Spots & Holds, this is the place you come to Turn that Lock, Spot or Hold into an Opportunity to Engage any Audience in a way that will have them Chanting Your Name! This is that place you come to Understand, Who you Are as a Pro Wrestler & What you Do as a Sports Entertainer! And finally, this is that place you come to Learn How to Amplify that Amazing part of YOUR Own Personality to the Whole of the Pro Wrestling & Sports Entertainment World!


We want you to know that Students like you come in a Wide Range of varying levels of Athletic Ability, and regardless of your natural athletic ability or lack thereof, the WFPC will turn you into a Sports Entertainment Performer!


We DO NOT have any Connection or Contact with any Major Wrestling Federation to Fast Track your Career, and we DO NOT acknowledge any Statement to that Effect. Furthermore, we DO NOT Own any Wrestling Promotions, and we DO NOT make any Promise that you will Appear in our Live Event once your Training is Complete, and we DO NOT acknowledge any Statement to that Effect.

What we Are Committed to and what we Do Acknowledge, is that you will Acquire the Ability to work for any Pro Wrestling or Sports Entertainment Organization once you have Successfully Completed your Training! This Commitment of Service comes with the Mutually Agreed Understanding that you will, as a Punctual, Active, Participant in our programs, be Attentive & Focused for ALL Training Sessions, and in good conscience Apply your new Skillset in your Performances as Instructed.


Believe any training facility that tells you they have connections with WWE, AEW, Impact! Wrestling or the like, the only thing you need to reach the WWE is Get Trained and submit a 5 Minute Match to the Head of Talent Relations of your best performance, shot from One Camera and UNEDITED with your Name & Phone Number, Period.

At that point you will receive a phone call from the Head of Talent Relations inviting you to perform a Dark Match at one of their events, which is great! and we will most definitely help you prepare for it! or you will be Invited to the WWE Performance Center as a Paid Performer to get you polished up for TV, and we will continue to support & help you until you leave us for bigger and better things, and with our blessing we will wish you all the happiness and success this next journey has to offer, or you will be told you need more Training or Experience, which we can easily remedy, mind you we would not, in good conscience advise you to send a match unless you and your coaches felt it was worthy of being sent.

Having said that, our pledge to you is this, “the WFPC and its Coaching Staff will provide you with the Facility, Theoretical Knowledge, Technical Skill Set and In Ring Acting Ability to make a Wrestling Match look like a Real Fight” .


Of any training facility that tells you they Own a Promotion and Guarantee you will Appear in their Live Event once your Training is Complete, in other words they are telling you that regardless of your In Ring Acting Ability to make a wrestling match look like a real fight which is Basic Wrestling Psychology, you will be featured in a Live Event.

What you Demand from any training facility is that once you have completed the training program that you have Acquired the Ability to Perform for ANY Independent Wrestling Organization or Major Wrestling Federation BAR NONE!

Canada Pro Wrestling School: WFPC, Calgary