Terms & Conditions

Trainee Disclaimer

I accept that the practice and training of professional wrestling entails inherent risk of injury, aggravations of prior and sustained injuries over time and in a minority cases or paralysis or death. I accept these risks and will not, without proof of negligence, hold the Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc, my trainers, and staff responsible for any resulting injury, sustained or aggravated during my training or performance of professional wrestling.

I will always to the best of my ability follow the guidance and advice of the Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc, my trainers and staff, for my own safety and the safety of others. I understand that failure to do so illustrates neglect on my part and I take responsibility for my own health and safety.

I will do all I can to aid my trainer, school, and promotion in their obligations with all statutory requirements for health, safety, and welfare. I will inform the Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc, my trainer, and staff as appropriate should I develop any injury or illness which may affect my ability to train or perform. I understand and accept that professional wrestling is a contact sport and that regardless of age or gender, I will not intentionally violate another student’s personal rights during training and seek a trainer’s advice when needed.

I agree to not partake in verbal, physical or digital forms or bullying or sexual harassment aimed at other students, trainers or individuals linked to the Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc. The Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc DOES NOT insure anyone to wrestle. Individuals are not insured with the Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc or associated partners or organizations.

Those training with the Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc MUST arrange their own personal insurance. Insurance can be purchased via your own broker. The Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc takes no responsibility to those injured whilst taking part in activities related to wrestling and wrestling training while uninsured.

  • Bullying of any kind, be it physical or otherwise, towards fellow trainees or trainers is not tolerated.
  • Students must pay attention to their trainers at all times.
  • Do Not Attempt Anything, be it wrestling or otherwise without trainer guidance and supervision.
  • No Stiffing* or Sandbagging**. We work towards improving ourselves and those around us, also doing either of these things could not only injure your opponent, but also yourself.
  • No Egos! Leave them at the door, if you come in with one you will be asked to leave.
  • Respect the Equipment & Property of the Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc.
  • Respect the Property of Trainers & Fellow Trainees.
  • Any form of Sexual Harassment will NOT be Tolerated. If there are any complaints of this nature they will be investigated and the guilty parties will be asked to leave the facility.
  • If you Wish to Practice a Move, always inform your opponent what you intend to do, be safe, and if in doubt ask an instructor to observe.
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing. We recommend amateur wrestling shoes, t-shirt, elbow and knee pads or supports.

*Stiffing, or To Stiff; is a term used when one wrestler injures another during a match or in training by being overly heavy handed with moves or strikes.

**Sandbagging; is when a wrestler makes himself difficult to lift or hard to wrestle against.

The Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc; reserves the right to change its rules, terms and conditions at any given time.


Health & Safety

Fire Procedure

In the event of a fire or emergency, the fire exits that are situated in the room must be used. Students should report to the trainer at the designated fire point to enable a register to be taken. Should the first alarm sound, students should make their way safely out of the building with no running.

First Aid

Should first aid attention be required during training sessions students must alert the trainer(s). In the event of serious injury, the trainers will immediately contact the emergency services and the emergency contact number for the next of kin.


Trainees who are disturbing the sessions or not acting in a safe and reasonable manner for whatever reason, will be asked to leave. It is also possible that their membership be cancelled. We operate a 3 strikes and you’re out system. This is for your own safety and the safety of others.


The Workforce Fitness Performance Center Inc will not be held responsible for any injuries occurring as a result of;

(i) a breach of health and safety policies,
(ii) failure to follow instructions as given by any trainer or
(iii) failure to adhere to the training schedules set out for each session. 

Canada Pro Wrestling School: WFPC, Calgary

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